Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It seems as thou every conversation begins or either ends with the same two questions, "Are you on FACE BOOK"?, or "Are you on Twitter"? Answering "NO" to these questions can sometimes result in you receiving a suspicious look from the questioner. Social Media is considered a subset of "New Media", and that equals FACE BOOK & Twitter. If a company plans on staying in the know of what consumers want and what they're talking about, they better meet them where they are.

In following suit, COACH has decided to meet the consumers where they are and where the speak freely. That's right! COACH is on FACE BOOK & Twitter. COACH currently has 268,360 followers on Twitter and more than 3,225 fans on FACE BOOK. COACH is just one of the many millions of companies that has finally realized that the old way of doing things just doesn't work any more. The new consumer attitude is, "if you want me, then come and get me", and the companies that want to maintain a position are doing just that.

If you visit the COACH profile on Twitter, you will see hourly status updates that notify consumers(followers)of everything from new products, sales,products in development and additional discounts. Followers leave comments regarding their visits to COACH stores and the COACH website as well as comments about new products and their shopping experiences. For COACH, this is better than any information a focus group or survey can provide. There are trending topics such as: #COACH.NYC-culture, #COACH/lifestyle, and #COACH/fashion.This type of feedback is instant and very honest. FACE BOOK allows for consumers to join or add the COACH page to their list of friends on their own profile page. The FACE BOOK page also allows the individuals to proclaim, "I'm a fan of COACH". There is even a fan page that was created called I LOVE COACH.

I'm pretty sure that the marketing team at COACH still has a few tricks up their sleeves, and they better if the want to maintain any relevance in the Fashion game. But for right now, COACH is playing ball!


  1. i like the pastel colors for your background....great choice for the spring

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It sounds like Coach is smart when it comes to social media. I'm sure they get a lot of useful feedback that way. I wish more companies were like Coach and good about updating their sites and pages.

  4. Beautiful layout! It's very Coach and very chic!
