Wednesday, May 5, 2010


COACH is known for having a very clean and classic style when it comes to their handbags, accessories, and apparel. COACH should continue with what has attracted their percentage of the market to them however; it’s important for COACH not to get lost in the mix. I would encourage COACH to introduce a younger and edger line to their brand. It might even help them to seek out new designers with fresh ideas and concepts. It would be wise for the brand to reframe from imitating other existing lines. Although imitation is said to be the best form of flattery, it can be received negatively, and actually turn your target market off. COACH should also consider extending the talents of their new designers into their apparel as well.
Commercials would also be a very valuable tool for COACH to use. When thinking about it, the only time that the COACH brand seems to cross our minds is when we’re in the mall, receive an online promotion for the brand, or happen upon a catalog. Where are the commercials? Where are the visuals of fashion forward individuals living the COACH lifestyle? The PR person at COACH should be making sure that some “A” list celebrity has a COACH bag slung across his or her arm, when they are caught on TMZ, hanging out with their other “A” list Hollywood friends. Bring in the DRAMA! There needs to be ad time purchased on networks such has Bravo, MTV, Style Network, CW, and other major networks. We should also see an ad before and after each segment of our favorite shows when we’re catching them online.
COACH should apply for their passport and take it international. I’m pretty sure that there are people around the world that would love to be properly introduced to the brand. I’m sure that many have met the COACH knockoffs that lack in quality. However, COACH should take a little of the responsibility when it comes to the large amount of revenue that is missed out on do to their lack of presence in the over seas market.
Partnerships wouldn’t hurt either. It’s time to make some new friends COACH.
The brand can partner up with an established designer to create and exclusive limited edition line of bags and accessories. COACH might also consider developing a sub brand that could be sold in stores such as, Ross, Belk’s, Target, Wal-Mart, or even a line to be sold only on QVC.
The Beauty industry is always open to new ideas and products. Nothing is stopping COACH from extending their brand into makeup, skincare, and fragrances. The idea of partnership pops up again in regards to coach even doing makeup bag with one of the leading cosmetic companies.
The sky is the limit when comes to how far COACH wants to take their brand. The question is, “what’s next”?

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